Posts tagged Healthy
The Brain: Roles, Signs of Dysfunction & Support

Anything that is inflammatory to the body is inflammatory to the brain. Your brain does not have pain fibers, so when inflamed, it expresses as brain fog, poor cognition, memory issues and mood disruptions. The brain is vitally important for so many functions.

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The Adrenals: Roles, Signs of Dysfunction & Support

The adrenals are two small, triangular shaped glands that sit on top of the kidneys. Adrenal glands produce hormones that help regulate the metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and other essential functions.

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The Spleen: Roles, Signs of Dysfunction & Support

The spleen is important for responding to infections. Lyme coinfections like bartonella and babesia, as well as viruses, can cause spleen issues and spleen enlargement. The spleen is an important organ to support in chronic illness and preventing future disease.

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The Pancreas: Roles, Signs of Dysfunction & Support

The pancreas produces insulin and assists with blood sugar control. It also secretes pancreatic enzymes for digestion. Stress, whether that be mental/emotional stress or physical stress stemming from infections, glyphosate, EMF, mold, toxins, a poor diet, over-exercising or living a sedentary lifestyle, extreme fasting or under-eating, lack of sleep or rest, blue light, etc. will increase cortisol. When this happens, blood sugar goes up with it, forcing the pancreas to work harder to secrete enough insulin to balance and lower the blood sugar back into normal range. This cycle of overworking the pancreas eventually will lead to insulin issues, insulin resistance and eventually diabetes.

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The Gallbladder: Roles, Signs of Dysfunction & Support

The gallbladder is the organ that stores bile, the fluid made by the liver that's necessary for digesting and absorbing fat and vitamins and carrying out waste and toxins from the body. It is wild to me how many people I have heard of lately undergoing Cholecystectomy, the surgical removal of the gallbladder and the common “treatment” of symptomatic gallstones and other gallbladder conditions. We must start asking why these surgeries keep increasing by the number and provide some helpful tools and solutions for people.

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The Liver: Roles, Signs of Dysfunction & Support

The liver is an important organ responsible for more than 500 tasks every day, yet overwhelmed with the toxic nature of our modern world, leading to a variety of symptoms and consequences such as fatigue, anger or mood changes, insomnia or waking around 3am, acne, MCAS, allergies, histamine intolerance, hormonal imbalances, PMS, bloating, congestion, weight gain, yellowing of the eyes or skin, recurring candida or yeast infections, parasites, eczema, fibrocystic breasts, hypertension, kidney issues, headaches, bad breath, constipation, sensitivity to the environment or chemicals, hives, indigestion, joint pain, nausea, leaky gut, brain fog, etc. Luckily, the liver is the most regenerative organ in the entire body.

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The Kidneys: Roles, Signs of Dysfunction & Support

The Kidneys act as the bodies primary filtration system, to filter the blood and remove unwanted waste and toxins. The kidneys even cleanse themselves when the body takes in enough fluid. The kidneys rid the body of unwanted products of metabolism such as ammonia, urea, uric acid, creatinine, hormone metabolites, water-soluble toxins, heavy metals and more. They do a lot for you, so making sure they are in tip-top shape is important for not only filtration, but drainage and detox.

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The Thymus Gland: Roles, Signs of Dysfunction & Support

The Thymus is an important gland in the human body that often gets forgotten, yet its function and production of T-cell lymphocytes is critical for keeping a balanced immune system and protecting the body from foreign invaders such as bacteria, lyme, viruses, mold, mycotoxins, parasites, chemicals and toxins. These T-cells are also capable of identifying and attacking cancer cells.

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Ozone: IV and Home Therapy

IV Ozone and at home therapies are known to help with Yeast, Bacteria, Parasites, Mold, Metals, Viruses, Inflammation and more. Discover the therapies and tools that may help as adjuvant therapies and supports. Medical Ozone has been used for over a century to disinfect and treat disease by the inactivation of toxins, the stimulation of oxygen metabolism, and the activation of the immune system.

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