Emily Morrow

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12 Week Parasite Cleanse

Like many health issues, the signs and symptoms of being infected with a parasite can mimic other illnesses or health issues such as IBS, blood sugar disregulation, SIBO, candida, adrenal fatigue, thyroid disorders, etc. Research reveals that 99.9% of Americans actually have parasites and some live asymptomatic. After picking up a parasite, I followed this 12 week protocol— herbs such as black walnut, wormwood, clove, and mimosa pudica, garlic and pumpkin seeds, coffee enemas and specific cycling of nutrients to get rid of them for good.

"A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host."  There are three classes of parasites: protozoa, which are tiny, one-celled organisms that typically live in the intestines, blood, or tissue; helminths, which are parasitic worms such as tapeworms, roundworms, and thorny-headed worms; and ectoparasites, which are ticks, fleas, lice, and mites that attach or burrow into the skin.

Like many health issues, the signs and symptoms of being infected with a parasite can mimic other illnesses or health issues such as IBS, blood sugar disregulation, SIBO, Candida, adrenal fatigue, thyroid disorders, etc. Believe it or not, parasite infections are far more common than you might think. Dr. Timothy Ray research reveals that 99.9% of Americans actually have parasites and of that:

  • ~1 billion people have nematodes (roundworms)

  • ~1 billion people have protozoa (such as amoebas)

  • ~1/2 billion people have athropod (insects)

  • ~300 million have cestatodes (tape worms)

  • ~300 million have trematodes (liver flukes)

These numbers are not limited to third world countries. Autopsies, too, confirm that virtually every tissue of the body show traces of visitation by parasites.

Out of more than a thousand species that can effect humans, labs only test for about 50. That is only 5%. Additionally, most doctors fail to test for parasites and most medical labs show at least a 50% false negative rate. 

Signs and Symptoms of Parasites

There are tons of posts out there that discuss different warning signs. I really like the picture below from Mind Body Green.


Some other signs you may have a parasite:

  • Dark circles under eyes*

  • Foul-smelling stool

  • Foul-smelling sweat*

  • High night time cortisol*

  • Insomnia*

  • Irritation, itching or picking of nose

  • Joint pain and muscle exhaustion*

  • Moodiness/Nervousness*

  • Mucous covered stool/floating stools

  • Night sweats*

  • Pale complexion*

  • Pruritis ani (itching of anal region)*

  • Vomiting*

  • None - some people are asymptomatic for years

Prior to finding out I had a parasite, my symptoms were subtle. I occasionally had digestive problems and some headaches here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary. What ultimately led my doctor to test for parasites was a low white blood cell count, out of range eosinophils and elevated liver enzymes. However, during the actual parasite cleanse, I experienced a ton of the symptoms above, indicated by the (*) sign.

How to Test for Parasites

A few people have asked me how I found out I had a parasite and how to go about testing for them. Do not make the mistake I made and order a 1 day stool test. Mine came back negative (even though I had them) and sadly many tests reveal a false negative. If testing, the best option is a comprehensive 3-day stool test where someone is actually looking under the microscope (and even then you risk a false negative). Keep in mind, not all pathogens are tested. Not to mention, parasites in the brain or ones buried in organs will not show up. If you still choose to test, your best option is most likely a 3-day comprehensive stool test but be aware, it can come back negative and you may still have them (if symptoms present themselves).

Clues for Parasites

This is tricky. Clearly, stool tests are not accurate. I discovered I had parasites through blood work analysis and symptoms; some key markers include:

  • Elevated Eosinophils (Eos) >3% (these cells are responsible for destroying parasites and are part of an allergic response as well)

  • High Basophils (Baso) >1%

  • Low or high WBC (5-8 is ideal so outside of this window)

  • Ferritin < 40 (if paired with iron anemia symptoms)

  • Globulin < 2.4

  • ALT or AST above 26 or below 10 (liver markers)

The information provided in is this post is based on my personal experience and that of my clients’ experiences. The information in this post is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure disease and should not be a replacement for medical advice. Always consult your doctor before trying a new diet, lifestyle or supplement protocol.


Cleansing parasites through your food is natural, safe, and easy. Parasites live off of certain foods and certain foods eliminate and kill them.

F O O D S  T O  I N C L U D E

Raw Garlic: The allicin in garlic is potent against bacteria, but also viruses and fungus too. To reap the benefits, I recommend eating a raw, minced garlic cove every day, preferably on an empty stomach.

Reference: Ankri, Serge, and David Mirelman. "Antimicrobial Properties of Allicin from Garlic." Microbes and Infection 1.2 (1999): 125-29. PubMed. Web. 7 Dec. 2017.

Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds contain an amino acid called cucurbitin, which can paralyze parasites, and could prevent them from attaching to the intestinal wall. They are one of the greatest foods for natural parasite cleansing; aim to consume 1 oz of raw, organic pumpkin seeds every every day.

Reference: Plotnikov AA, et al. “Clinical trial of cucurbin (a preparation from pumpkin seeds) in cestodiasis.” Med Parazitol (Mosk) 41 (1972): 407–11. PubMed. 8 Dec. 2017.

Papaya Seeds

Reference: Sapaat, A., et al. "Anthelmintic Activity of Papaya Seeds on Hymenolepis Diminuta Infections in Rats." Tropical Biomedicine 29.4 (2012): 508-12. PubMed. Web. 7 Dec. 2017.

Fennell Seed Tea: I did not drink fennel tea, but this is something easy you can add in that is believed to help cleanse.


The cleans is 3 months of 3 different 30 day cycles.

Cycle 1 (~30 days)

  1. Melia Supreme - 1 capsule 3x day (learn all about Melia)

  2. Mimosa Supreme - 1 capsule 3x day (learn all about Mimosa)

Cycle 2 (~30 days)

  1. Golden Thread Supreme - 1 capsule 3x day (learn all about Golden Thread)

  2. Vidanga Supreme - 1 capsule 3x day (learn all about Vidanga)

Cycle 3 (~30 days)

  1. Artemisia Supreme - 1 capsule 3x day (learn all about Artemisia)

  2. Morinda Supreme - 1 capsule 3x day (learn all about Morinda)

All Cycles:

  1. Optional Takesumi Supreme and/or Smilax Supreme as a binder in this phase (ex. 1-2 capsules of each morning/afternoon)

  2. Any additional support as needed (for constipation or backed up liver/kidneys)

References for this post:










Great articles I love:

7 Powerful Parasite-Killing Herbs

12 Parasite Die-off Symptoms and How to Fight Them

Top Tips for Parasite Prevention: What to Avoid and Where Not to Go

3 Main Benefits of Coffee Enemas (Plus 1 Instructional Guide)

How to Do a Mimosa Pudica Seed Challenge and Full Moon Challenge

Rope Worm: Parasite or Mucoid Plaque?

Restore Gut Health: Fix Heartburn, Nausea, and Gallbladder Pain